Kush Burning Oil is a luxurious blend of musk, sandalwood, and cannabis, paired with the sweetness of berries and topped off with a deep, rich spicy aroma. This unique blend provides an intense and exotic fragrance that will tantalize your senses with a burst of sweet berry scents that linger in the air. As the middle note hits your nose, you’ll be captivated by the earthy and herbal aroma of cannabis. Finally, as the fragrance fades away into its base notes of musk and sandalwood, you’ll be left with a powerful and woody scent that lingers in the air for hours on end. Our Burning Oils are great for creating your own candles, soap making, air freshener spray, skin and hair care products, cleaning products, aroma diffusers, scented dryer sheets, car freshies, potpourri, freshen carpets, massage/body oil, sugar scrubs, bath bombs, perfume, aroma beads cologne and much more. Personalize any of your unscented products.